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YouTube as your next SEO tool?

YouTube as your next SEO tool

Let’s face it: the world of SEO has been some of the most ever-changing, challenging, and yet highly rewarding things we have got ourselves involved in during website development, management, or promotional lives. The differences in methods, strategies, and ideas that govern SEO can be a mind-boggling issue for even the best in the business. Therefore, most website management teams look for new and innovative methods for their sites ranked on search engine platforms. Better ranking can ensure more site traffic and eventually lead to more sales for the business. However, you would be surprised to know that one tool we miss out on to be the most important factor impacting our SEO is YouTube. Surprised? We were as well! Let us discuss the possibility of YouTube becoming the next biggest thing in SEO in this article, including:

  • What Type of Content Can YouTube SEO Be Used for?
  • What is YouTube SEO?
  • How is YouTube SEO related to Website SEO?
  • Considering How to Optimize Your YouTube Videos for SEO? Here are a Few Golden Tips!
  • Why is YouTube Becoming a Major Venue for SEO?
  • Benefits of YouTube SEO
  • What to Avoid?

What Type of Content Can YouTube SEO Be Used for?

As we all know, YouTube allows us to host and share videos on their platform. Previously, videos that mattered to most online platforms, commercial organizations, and businesses were created for television advertisements and other related purposes. However, the scenario has changed much since the increase in the importance of digital content, especially video content, during the last few years. 

Now, the videos you or your organization creates can get viral, become an overnight sensation, and be the reason why your firm succeeds or fails. Therefore, the ranking of YouTube videos has become the new norm in SEO over which many firms compete today. 

Read more on what YouTube SEO is
What’s YT SEO?

What is YouTube SEO?

We discussed the idea of YouTube SEO in the previous section. Let us dive deep into the concept to understand what it means. Doing anything positive to optimize your metadata, playlists, page, video, and descriptions on your YouTube channel to enhance your channel’s ranking on YT is called YouTube SEO.

Currently, the number of views on any video, their response rate, and comments, etc., are all considered as important factors for your video’s ranking.

YouTube SEO is not restrictive. Instead, the whole concept works as a three-way strategy:

  • First, you work on improving your YouTube’s SEO to help increase the ranking of your channel and videos.
  • Next, you place links in either description, comments, or inside the videos for your website and specific web pages. These links, except those placed inside the videos, act as Backlinks. Search engines use these backlinks as a metric to consider how important a website is. The fact that YouTube is a high-ranking website itself, with most of its backlinks being indexed immediately or very fast, means that such backlinks are high-quality and can help boost your website’s SEO rankings.
  • Mentioning your website and webpages on YouTube channel descriptions, inside the videos, and pinned comments will naturally boost the flow of traffic to your website. In such cases, the increase in traffic will be seen as a metric of credibility by search engines, helping your website rank higher. Most important, such traffic is NOT considered paid one. Instead, it is considered under organic traffic, making the impacts more positive than otherwise.

Considering How to Optimize Your YouTube Videos for SEO? Here are a Few Golden Tips!

  • Make sure your video and meta descriptions contain your keyword and are optimized for SEO. Remember, apart from the YouTube search engine; the Google search engine ranks your YT videos in Google search results. Therefore, proper SEO descriptions can help your videos rank better on Google as well. One key technique is to add all the keywords at the end of the video description, mentioning what the video is related to!
  • Closed captions are always a great way for search engines to read further and index the videos’ contents. Add your close captions using the SRT files.
  • Cards can be added at different places in your video to promote other content. Consider how you find many RELATED video recommendations at the end of most YouTube videos. This way, you can lure users into trying out your other content. They increase the views on multiple videos in a single go. Secondly, with more views, the engagement of the video increases, and your other videos can rank better as well.
  • Never miss out on the video category. People experiment by putting videos in irrelevant categories hoping to appear in YouTube suggestions. The fact is: YT isn’t dumb! Their SEO ranking system is very efficient. Always choose the most relevant category to ensure that your videos rank as high as possible.

Why is YouTube Becoming a Major Venue for SEO?

Remember, you only need search engine optimization in the following situation:

  • You have some form of digital content indexed by a search engine.
  • This search engine has many substitute content options for the same keywords and considers metrics to decide whose content comes first.

In the case of Google, the decision is between websites. However, with the recent increase in the demand for visual and engaging content by consumers and users around the globe, the focus has shifted much towards YouTube. Effectively has a search engine system with many alternative videos to display for the same keyword. Therefore, ensuring that you rank your video well and put effort into its SEO is the only way to stand ahead of the competition.

Benefits of YouTube SEO

There are many benefits of putting effort and investing in YouTube SEO:

  • Higher rankings can occur for your YouTube videos, and traffic will increase to your channel. Consequently, the traffic to individual videos content will also promote the endorsed or embedded website’s traffic. Businesses can create their product videos, promotional content, and other related marketing material with higher rankings and release it on YouTube. People will instantly see the content, engage with it and ensure word-of-mouth marketing. Therefore, investing once in YT SEO can provide a lasting return on investment for the businesses.
  • Your online presence matters. Remember, we are living in a digital age today. If you are the best in the business, you may still lose out on potential customers by lacking a proper and beneficial online presence. Your brand awareness depends on such an online presence as well. Consider how you may connect well with a brandwiths millions of viewers on YouTube: the same happens when people consider your brand.
  • Revenue increases. More people coming to your brand’s videos are more likely to spot a product they like. Naturally, that increases sales and revenues. Concurrently, you may activate advertisements on your YouTube channel for considerable side income as well.

What to Avoid?

You must avoid black hat practices in YouTube SEO. Such practices can cause a huge problem in the long term. It can lead to penalties and permanent issues for your firm’s reputation on search engines in many cases. In other cases, your account may get banned completely. Remember, white hat methods only!


Ensure that your firm isn’t missing out on the opportunities provided by YouTube SEO today! Contact our team and get your YouTube SEO package in no time! Let us help you gain the right insights into beating your competitors on YouTube.

Websupporten Europe

Websupporten Europe

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