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A blog writing service you'll love. Guaranteed.

  • From $29 per post, professional blog writing services
  • We provide you with 100% original blog posts
  • From writers who have experience in your field

What makes us good at what we do?

We understand SEO

In some of the toughest niches in Google, we have ranked with our own blog posts with years of experience. Trust us. We know SEO.

Topic Suggestions

Our blog management service is one of the only ones to provide custom post topic suggestions for every post in your plan as standard. Experience business blogging at its best.

Industry Writers

Blog writers on our team come from a variety of professional backgrounds. Our team is confident that we have a writer who can write confidently about any industry, including yours.

100% Original Content

We have several automated and manual methods in place to detect plagiarism, which allows us to guarantee that every word you order is custom-written exclusively for you (and only for you).

Rewrite Or Reject

It's rare, but there are times when you just don't click with a writer. With a couple of clicks, we can hire a new writer to rewrite your blog post for you, free of charge.

Money-Back Guarantee

We love putting our money where our mouth is. All blog management plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

We make buying our blog posts as easy as 1,2,3.

This is how it works

See how it works for yourself…

Business blogging done right

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Frequently Asked Questions

Brands can use blogs to interact with new and existing customers in a light-hearted manner. It is a way to humanize your online presence and allow you to connect with your visitors in a casual and engaging manner.

Additionally, blogging can be used to demonstrate to customers that you are a major player in your industry. When a brand devotes time to discussing and sharing valuable information, it is often known to be passionate about its customers (and the business it’s in).

Despite this, blogging isn’t just a way to make your customers feel warm and fuzzy. The world’s biggest brands don’t produce regular posts simply out of the goodness of their hearts…

Blogging, for example, is rocket fuel for conversion rates.

“On average, SEO (blog post) leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate” – Search Engine Journal, November 2016

It’s awesome for lead generation too.

“On average, companies with blogs produce 67% more leads per month than those without blogs.” – Hubspot Research, 2015

Additionally, blogging has proven traffic-boosting benefits that are worthy of their own section.

(Click the question below to find out more)

It’s no secret that Google loves content. One of the biggest indicators of quality and authority of a website is how much content that site has.

A website that has more authority will appear higher in Google’s search results.

You can’t expect to show up in the top spots by posting any old gibberish. In Google’s advanced algorithms, words on a page are being analyzed to the point where they can almost understand the semantic meaning behind them.

Realistically, this means that they are now evaluating content from the perspective of a human reader (instead of just looking for keywords).

Today, you need to have grammatically correct, topically relevant content on your site to be considered for the top spots in Google’s search results.

Blog posts published every few months will not be enough for Google, which prefers websites to publish new content regularly. There’s a general consensus in SEO circles that posting once a week is a good minimum, but more is obviously better.

You’ll get in Google’s good books (and start climbing their rankings) by giving them what they want.

“Companies that blog have over 430% more indexed pages in Google. And companies with more indexed pages get far more leads.” – Search Engine Journal, November 2016

“On average, companies with blogs produce 67% more leads per month than those without blogs.” – Hubspot

  • A blog injects personality into what might otherwise be a faceless website. The humanization process increases familiarity and builds trust (which encourages visitors to offer their contact information and become leads).
  • Maintaining an active social media presence requires constant, high-quality content. As opposed to sharing other people’s content, you can promote your own posts and claim the traffic (and the potential leads).
  • You can establish your blog as an authoritative resource in your niche or local area. Visitors will return time and time again looking for fresh content, and some of them will eventually become leads.

“Year-over-year growth in unique site traffic is 7.8 times higher for content marketing leaders compared to followers (19.7% vs 2.5%).” – Source: Aberdeen Group

  • Regularly updated blogs position your business as an industry leader. By regularly covering interesting industry-specific topics, your team stands out as part of an involved, knowledgeable, and caring brand (before they’ve even introduced themselves).
  • Each post you write makes your visitors feel closer to your brand. Customers who found your business through a third party marketplace are more likely to order directly from your site, reducing the amount of commissions you pay.
  • A blog provides an opportunity for brands to engage with their customers. Comments left on posts can be a valuable source of feedback that can be used to engage with new customers while building rapport with existing ones.

“On average, SEO (blog post) leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.” – Search Engine Journal

  • Consumers want to find out about a brand on their own and come to their own conclusions without being directly marketed to. They can complete much of the buying cycle on their own before contacting you if you manage your blog well.
  • If you manage your blog well, you have an indirect way to promote the benefits of the service. As blogging is informal, you can also use conversational calls-to-action (CTAs) to reduce the feeling of being sold to.
  • By adding a human touch to blog posts, you can often improve conversion rates of leads generated elsewhere. When surveyed 74% of companies said that blogging increased their lead quality. (Source: Curata)

We certainly can, here are some of our favorite studies and statistics.

  • “On average, SEO (blog post) leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate”. – Search Engine Journal, 2016
  • Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to achieve a positive ROI on their efforts. – Hubspot Research, 2014
  • B2B marketers who use blogs get 67% more leads than those that do not. – Hubspot Research, 2015
  • 70-80% of users ignore paid ads and only focus on organic results [AKA blog posts]. – Search Engine Journal, 2016
  • Blogs that post daily get 5X more traffic compared to those that don’t – Social Media Examiner, 2011
  • 86% Of B2B Companies Are Blogging – Content Marketing Institute, 2017
  • Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. – Hubspot Research, 2015
  • 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. – Demand Gen, 2016
  • Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website – Hubspot Research, 2015
  • Once you publish 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30% – TGC, 2017
  • Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information. – Hubspot Research, 2015
  • Regularly blogging B2B companies generate 67% more sales leads than non-blogging companies. – Inside View, 2017
  • 53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. – Hubspot Research, 2017


Blogs of today cover a wide range of topics, from company news to informative guides (and everything in between). It is not a problem at all to mix topical and news content in the same blog, in fact, it is often encouraged.

Yes, in an ideal world, you would be writing your own blog posts.

Many brands (if not most brands) hire content writing services to manage their blogs.

Almost anyone can pound away on a keyboard, but researching content marketing opportunities and creating engaging, quality content is very challenging.

Perhaps a member of your team has the talent to write engaging posts. You might also find that they have enough experience in content marketing to capitalize on sudden traffic opportunities and pick perfect post topics without running out of ideas.

Do they have enough time to devote to all of this while still juggling their other commitments?

It takes quite a bit of time to research, write, edit, proofread, and format a post (as you may already know).

Some brands outsource the management of their blogs to specialists such as The Content Panel. This allows their team to focus on their strengths, which in turn enables us to focus on ours.

Your brand will be thoroughly researched by our writers before they begin writing. All of them are experienced professionals who are good at making sure the tone of their work matches your brand.

Additionally, our sign up form features a section that specifically helps you identify your brand’s tone. When our writers use this information in conjunction with their extensive experience they usually hit the nail on the head.

Google approves one of the most advanced plagiarism detection services on the planet (called Copyscape). Our writers submit every piece of content to our writers against a database that contains literally billions of entries (which is updated several times a day).

We will know about any plagiarism well before it reaches you if even a single sentence is copied.

For years, we have provided content writing services, and our campaign managers and copywriters are pretty good at what they do – they can identify your competitors easily. For your peace of mind, we also have a section on your dashboard where you can explicitly tell us to avoid praising competitors.  

Money back guarantee is available for 30 days following the purchase of your subscription. We will refund you in full if none of the posts we wrote for you have been published.

No questions asked.

With our Picture Perfect package, our designers will select a professional, high-resolution image for every post we write for you.  

Four different post lengths are available to suit brands of all sizes and budgets. Our standard package provides 600+ words per post (which usually ends up being closer to 700 words).

We also offer packages that provide 250+, 900+, and 1200+ words per post for complete flexibility.

Our posts follow essential SEO principles, in order to give them the highest chance of being discovered by organic traffic. You’re not going to get in Google’s bad books if you do keyword stuffing or do anything naughty.

Alternatively, if you have an in-house SEO team, you can tell us which search term or set of keywords you would like to target.

Don’t worry if you don’t have an in-house SEO team on hand – you can use ours if you like.

Our SEO gurus will perform keyword research, optimize your content, and then format your content perfectly. The content will be then uploaded to your blog (alongside a royalty-free image), on-page SEO will be performed, and it will be posted on a schedule that suits you.

All posts you receive are 100% yours, neither our writers nor The Content Panel own them. We will never let anyone else publish them, in any way, shape, or form.  

Yes, more or less. We’re a full-service content writing service. As a company, we specialize in several areas (e.g., dental and real estate blogging), but we have writers in almost every industry.

In rare cases, we may have had to turn away a client due to their peculiar industry.

We sure do! And we offer great discounts on multiple subscriptions for agencies. We have a page dedicated to content writing for agencies where you can find out more.  

Yes, we do! The types of content we manage range from articles to product descriptions, and everything in between.



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